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Kenya Black Tea

Kenya Black tea Has the Highest of Its demand in Afghanistan as well as in Pakistan Market.Kenya tea has the following Grades:
BP1: Broken Pekoe 1 forms about 12–14% of the total production. It has the largest size. The liquors are a bit light in body but with encouraging flavouring characteristics PF1: Pekoe Fanning 1. This is about 58–60% and forms the bulk of the production. Its made up of black grainy particles slightly smaller in size than the BP1 grade. Dust1: This is made up of the smallest particles and form about 4–6% of the total production. PD: Pekoe Dust. It forms 10–12% of the production, often black and finer than the PF1 often with thick liquors and aroma. Fngs1: The mixture has traces of black tea and large amount of smallish cut fibres often sifted out of the primary grades. F1 forms about 3–4% of the production and quite useful in tea bags due to its quick brewing, strong flavour and good colour. * Dust: Made up of tiny bits of broken leaf often used to brew strong tea quickly and popular for the tea bags.

Brazilian Green Tea

Brazil is one of the biggest producers of the finest green teas.Suppliers from Brazil Picks up the finest teas from the selected Gardens. A regular supply can be maintained from Indonesia, Veitnam ,Sirilanka and Indian Green Teas from around the world as per demand.

Benefits. Yerba mate, also known as “chimarrão” in Brazil, is packed full of vitamins, minerals and has more antioxidants than green tea. Drinking yerba mate also has the potential to boost your immune system, tone your nervous system and aid in digestion and skin health.

The tea comes from the green leaves of a type of holly that is said to have manifold good effects.

White Brown Sugar

The five largest producers of sugar in 2011 were Brazil, India, the European Union, China and Thailand. In the same year, the largest exporter of sugar was Brazil, distantly followed by Thailand, Australia and India.

The largest importers were the European Union, United States and Indonesia. Currently, Brazil has the highest per capita consumption of sugar, followed by Australia, Thailand and the European Union.